My Energy Tea 60g
We recommended this blend to those wanting to add to their current lifestyle, Something more of a tonic by its essence and something that is gentle and passive.
For those who enjoy a cuppa & a coffee alternative that is fat acting & can be consumed if and when required
Those seeking a natural, gentle, holistic formula that also provides benefits through consuming that on the whole will make you feel alert and to be able to move through your day with clarity; then this blend is for you.
Although this is a blend based on Energy, it is also a blend that also looks at cell protection and production. Micro dosing of the energetics of this blend can assist in building up and protecting our cells (if would like to do further reading on micro dosing please refer to the resources or book in a 1:1 consult with Cherie to talk about how these herbs can add value to your life)
This blend is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
This is not recommended for those who are currently taking heavy sedatives like valium and other tranquilisers
This is not recommended as a replacement for balancing your body at a holistic level, which means as a way of example, taking the Energy Tea in the morning and then the sleeping tea at night. If you are struggling with this sort of pattern, we recommend booking in with Cherie for a 1:1 consult to look into the root cause and how to shift this pattern)
This is not a substitute for a balanced lifestyle and we recommend that you look at your food and lifestyle choices if you are struggling with Energy and sustainable energy throughout the day
This is not a supplement or replacement for more serious conditions that require medical attention
This is not recommended for anyone with Adrenal fatigue/overload, burn out, stress, overwhelm, anxiety & any form of immunal disorder.
This blend is not recommended if you have heart conditions, palpitations or high blood pressure.
If you struggle with low iron, we recommend staying away from any blends with Green tea or higher amounts of caffeine